6 Tips for Road Trips with Infants and Toddlers (or Both!)

As a follow-up to our post on flying with infants and toddlers, here are 6 of our favorite road trip tips for babies and toddlers. My daughter has never liked riding in the car for any amount of time and by that, I mean she screams like she’s being tortured for hours, so big trips take a lot of planning and a lot of patience. We still have to limit our road trips with her, but we’re hopeful she’ll outgrow this soon. The only thing worse than navigating Dallas traffic, is navigating Dallas traffic with a howling child six inches behind you, so hopefully these tips help you as much as they have helped us and our friends.

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Four Organization Ideas for Baby Things

Full-disclosure, I have never been a very organized person. I am a faithful stack addict and I have no problem getting dressed straight out of a laundry basket in the morning, but I am trying to do better for my minimalist husband. We joke that I am the Type B- to his Type A, but he knew what he was signing up for. Since adding a tiny human to our home a year ago, we have acquired a lot of “stuff”. There is kid stuff in my living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, nursery and car. It seems to be never ending, but I have found a few organization tips for baby things that are helping to tame it. I’m even less creative than I am organized, so I skipped Pinterest label ideas and went straight to Amazon for a label maker and it has made this process kind of fun. These are 4 baby organization ideas that have made our lives easier and our house a little more functional. 

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Physical Therapy and Pregnancy: Part 1 Diastasis Recti

Pregnancy affects your entire body in pretty big ways, so it’s not surprising that after the baby is born you might experience pain, weakness or a new condition. Diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, symphysis pubis dysfunction or sacroiliac joint pain are all common conditions that can come on during or after pregnancy. The focus of physical therapy is on strengthening the muscles around the source of pain, functional exercises to teach you ways to care for yourself and your baby to avoid injury and therapies for pain after pregnancy.

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How Do I Know if I Have Postpartum Depression?

You have just had a baby and you might be wondering, why don't I feel normal? You might also be feeling anxious or fearful. Just like joy, happiness and love for your baby, feelings of guilt, sadness, fear and stress are all normal. None of these feelings are inherently bad, but they can be intrusive and hard to manage. 

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Bringing Home Baby: Postpartum Doulas

You are now at home with your new baby who you just want to gaze at and soak in every moment. Then reality sets in. How are you supposed to rest and recover from birth? When will you have time to cook? You’re supposed to be taking it easy, but so much needs to be done. Do tidy houses even exist with newborns? What about caring for the rest of the family? Unpacking the hospital bags looks so daunting.


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